Ken & Patti’s Legacy is Joy for the Next Generation


What is a Legacy?

For Patti Ferron, an important part of her legacy will be her artwork. One of the aspects that brings her satisfaction in her work is knowing that her art will bring lasting joy to others for generations to come.

In a similar way, a gift in your will can create the same joy for the people who will be impacted by that gift. Patti and I believe that St. Joseph Hospital is incredibly important to our community. Its mission of providing excellent care and looking out for people living on the margins is important to us. That’s why we chose to include St. Joseph Hospital in our estate plans.

Providing for our family is important, but we also plan to leave a gift for the hospital that means so much to us. Knowing that our family will see our name in the hospital after we are gone, means a lot to us. We hope it will give our children and grandchildren some joy in the future.

Ken & Patti Ferron

August is National Make-a-Will Month and now is the perfect time to review your final wishes and consider what your legacy will be. When you’re making or updating your will, I hope you’ll consider joining us with a gift to St. Joseph Hospital.  One sentence in your will can make a lifetime of difference for your neighbors: I give and bequeath to St. Joseph Hospital located at 172 Kinsley Street, Nashua, NH 03060 ___ percent; OR the sum of $______ from my estate; OR all the rest, residue or remainder of my estate. This gift may be used (where needed most or for XXX program/fund support.)

Even if you prefer that your gift be anonymous, we would love to know of your decision to include St. Joseph Hospital in your will so that we can thank you and honor your intention. To learn more about making a gift in your estate plans to St. Joseph Hospital visit our St. Joseph the Worker Legacy Society webpage, fill out our online form, or contact Deb Tighe, executive director of philanthropy, at or 603.884.4343
