Colleen Touhey, BSN, RN, CCM, Mission Champion of the Month December 2022

News & Events

December 1, 2022

Collen Touhey, BSN, RN, CCM, Mission Champion of the Month December 2022

Colleen Touhey, BSN, RN, CCM, started her career at St. Joseph Hospital in February of 2015 working in the Riverside office as a Registered Nurse. Colleen was later recruited to join the Care Coordination Team, where she has worked for the past 4 years at our Primary and Specialty Care locations in Nashua and Hudson.

One of Colleen’s favorite part of her job is when she gets to work with the same patient for an extended period of time. She truly enjoys when methods that she has been working on with the patient “click” in their mind, and gets the “ah-ha” moment. She enjoys the time spent working with these long-term patients and helping them get to this point. Colleen also has been blessed to work with a great team of coworkers. She says that everyone on her team helps take things off of one another’s plates and is supportive of each other – creating a true team atmosphere.

Colleen’s most memorable moment is when she was helping a long-term patient with all of his needs, which included coordinating appointments and getting him the equipment he needed at home. Her favorite part is teaching strategies to help with day to day tasks in life. After this patient passed, his wife had called Colleen and told her how he had lived a full life and thanked her for the help that she provided to them.

“Colleen lives the St. Joe’s Mission every day. She is able to connect to all of our patients – both young and old, struggling with substance abuse, having family discord, and in general from all walks of life. She always has a smile on her face, and she can answer any question that our group may have. She is one of our go-to people! She will meet patients wherever they are, both physically and emotionally. She travels to various practices, sites, or the hospital to meet with patients”, Says Kristine Howard, RN, Care Coordination Manager.

“Colleen has always been sure to go above and beyond in being compassionate to all of her patients. She makes sure she spends extra time with them on the phone, or will meet with them at a hospital location to ensure that they understand signing Advanced Directives. Colleen has also made sure to collaborate closely with all members of the team to get her patients what they need in order to keep them in their homes”, says Nicole Snow, RN, Care Transitions Coordinator.

When Colleen is not helping one of her patients, you can find her spending time with her family. She has a wonderful husband, Brian, and their twin girls (Kate and Nora) that are 2 1/2 years old. Colleen has a true passion for skydiving. She has jumped over 2,000 times! She often helps with different fundraising events for her skydiving group.

We are proud and happy to have Colleen representing us as our Mission Champion for the Month of December 2022!

Congratulations Colleen!
