EMG & Nerve Conduction Studies


Electromyography (EMG) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) are diagnostic procedures performed by our team of board-certified physicians to assess the health of nerves and muscles. These tests are performed to see if a patient has a nerve or muscle disorder. Symptoms may include tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, muscle pain, or cramping.

Additionally, our physicians offer Botox using EMG guidance to treat spasticity associated with several conditions such as stroke or cerebral palsy. Appointments for these tests normally last for approximately an hour.

We recommend to avoid caffeine for at least three hours prior to the appointment and refrain from using lotion on the day of testing. If a patient has a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, it is important to notify us prior to the appointment in case medical clearance is necessary from another provider.

Electromyography (EMG)

During an EMG, a very fine needle is inserted into several muscles to record the muscles’ electrical activity. There is usually temporary discomfort during the needle portion of the procedure. The EMG test will allow the provider to see and hear how muscles and nerves are working. EMG testing is often performed alongside a NCS.

Nerve Conduction Study (NCS)

NCS show how well the body’s electrical signals are traveling through a nerve. This is done by applying brief electrical shocks to the nerve and recording how the nerve functions. These shocks may cause momentary discomfort. The provider usually tests several nerves. NCS are often performed alongside an EMG.
