Support Services

No one can handle cancer alone. That’s why in addition to our advanced medical treatments, St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center provides robust support services to assist patients and their loved ones throughout the entire process.

Infusion Suite

Our Infusion Suite is designed to make the chemotherapy infusion experience as comfortable as possible, allowing patients to relax in lounge chairs, watch television, read books and enjoy refreshments while receiving treatments. The suite is staffed by certified cancer care nurses and an on-site pharmacist to minimize the wait for chemotherapy drugs.

Resource Room

Cancer patients and their family members can visit our Resource Room to access the latest online and published information on a wide range of health and cancer-related topics. The Resource Room is supported by Against All Odds, a cancer advocacy group working with St. Joseph Hospital.

Palliative Care

The challenges of advanced illness can be overwhelming. Palliative care offers compassion, understanding and expertise to treat the physical, spiritual and emotional symptoms patients may be experiencing, so that they can live life to the fullest extent possible.

Our dedicated palliative care team consists of a board-certified medical doctor, a social worker/bereavement specialist, a case manager, chaplains and volunteers. Together, we will work with patients and their loved ones to enhance their quality of life as they complete or continue with curative treatment. We can help:

  • Manage physical symptoms, pain and discomfort
  • Reduce fear and anxiety with emotional support
  • Provide psychological and spiritual care
  • Offer a support system for patients, their family and loved ones
  • Connect patients with resources and support groups

Hope and Healing

At St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center, we believe in a holistic approach to cancer treatment. This means treating the entire person and providing support to their family and loved ones. We promise to listen, guide and be fully present throughout treatment. For guidance, call (603) 882-3000. For supportive care, call (603) 589-5660.

Spiritual Care

The St. Joseph Hospital Cancer Center has a dedicated chaplain who makes frequent visits to the Cancer Center and Infusion Suite. The chaplain helps patients by listening, praying or just providing companionship. A chaplain is also on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Discharge Planning

We know that your needs don’t stop the minute you leave the hospital. That’s why our social workers are available to help access the care and services patients need after their hospital stay.
