St. Joseph Hospital Hosts 1st Cancer Survivor’s Kickball Game

News & Events

June 27, 2022

This past Saturday, June 25th, St. Joseph Hospital hosted their first Cancer Survivors Kickball Game in partnership with the Nashua Silver Knights at Holman Stadium in honor of National Cancer Survivors Month.  The game featured a team of 18 Cancer Survivors (Team Alive & Kicking) playing against a team of 18 St. Joseph Hospital employees (Team One Kick Wonders) including nurses, doctors, physical therapists, security, environmental services and more.

“Our goal from the start was simple: To host an event that brought people together who shared a common bond as survivors.” said Tim McMahon, Director of Marketing at St. Joseph Hospital. “The camaraderie (and competitiveness) on both teams was truly inspiring”.

The game went 5 innings in 90+ degree heat with each player having the opportunity to kick at least twice.  Then in the bottom of the 5th inning, with the game tied at 19 – 19 and the One Kick Wonders down to their final kicker with the bases empty, Kristi Quirci from St. Joseph Hospital launched a deep ball to center field and narrowly escaped the tag as he rounded third and headed home for the game winning run!

After the game, the players and their family members were treated to a full BBQ in right field as well as free tickets to that evening’s Silver Knights baseball game.

“It’s amazing how many lives cancer touches each and every day” said Dr. Sabine Manoli from St. Joseph Hospital (and one of the event’s organizers).  “As a 2.5 year survivor myself, Cancer taught me to start trying things I used to be afraid of…like public speaking and playing kickball.  I sincerely hope that today’s game helps other survivors, and their families, to appreciate the little things all around them as well.”
