Social Work

Our dedicated team of social workers provide coordination of care for both outpatients and inpatients across all of our locations. From daily challenges to life’s most difficult situations, the team of social workers at St. Joseph Hospital is here for you.

Who Are Social Workers?

A social worker is an experienced healthcare professional that is highly trained in helping you cope with daily challenges to life’s most difficult situations. All of the social workers at St. Joseph Hospital are committed to helping each patient and their loved one’s develop coping strategies as well as short-term and long-term treatment plans.

When Should I See a Social Worker?

The social workers at St. Joseph Hospital are highly trained and have extensive experience in order to ensure that the best care is provided. One of our biggest specialties is finding solutions to problems that you may encounter. Our social workers facilitate assistance with the following services, directing you to the care that you or someone you love may need:

  • Abuse, neglect, violence, and additional safety concerns
  • Concerns regarding mental health or substance abuse
  • Coping strategies with illness, injury, and recovery
  • Grief and bereavement
  • Job, school, or additional life stressors
  • Relationship, parenting, or family concerns

What Services Do Social Workers Offer?

Services offered by the social workers at St. Joseph Hospital include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing grief counseling as well as connecting patients and their loved ones to additional resources in the nearby area
  • Helping patients during their inpatient stay with referrals to outpatient social workers in our primary care practices who can provide further assistance finding ongoing specialty care and treatment
  • Helping patients and their loved ones cope with impact of illness or sudden injury
  • Arranging of discharges requiring special medical equipment or transfers to other local facilities
  • Education of medication assistance or other additional government programs

Services provided by social workers at St. Joseph Hospital are entirely confidential with limited exceptions which your social worker will discuss with you. Our social workers function as part of your customized team and will only share relevant information that is related to your care.

We do not bill for social work or behavioral assistance as part of an inpatient hospitalization stay. We recommend contacting your health insurance carrier directly to inquire on further cost information beyond an inpatient hospitalization stay.
