Hand & Shoulder

Pain or weakness in the hand, wrist, shoulder, or elbow, can not only be debilitating, but also can significantly impact your daily life. Common activities such as opening jars, carrying bags, or even brushing your hair can become daunting tasks when you are experiencing pain. If left untreated, this level of discomfort can develop into chronic aches and even lead to longer-term issues.

At St. Joseph Hospital Orthopedics in Nashua, New Hampshire, our team of highly trained board-certified providers are dedicated to providing patients with excellent care. We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we specialize in creating personalized treatment plans.

Pain in your upper extremities can be caused by many factors, including, but not limited to:

  • Fractures
  • Strains and sprains
  • Tendon injuries
  • Overuse injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Nerve damage
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

“We all dread surgery and often feel surgeons are more like salesmen looking to cut us whether we need it or not. Dr. Tom was amazing from the get go. I had a full rotator cuff tear and bicep tear. He explained everything, he was friendly, and had an amazing sense of humor. He cares after surgery – making sure I am okay and am making progress. He is so attentive and so helpful. I dread doctors appointments, but I enjoy Dr. Tom. Thank you Dr. Tom, as I am active with my kids again.” – Eric

“Dr. Tom is a young but very knowledgeable physician. He is well versed and shows that he has much experience. His energetic and joyful demeanor is quite refreshing and my daughter and I have had nothing but great interactions with him and his staff at every visit pre/post op.” – Jan

“I would highly recommend Dr. Tom. He did shoulder replacement surgery on my mom when she was 84 years old. She has had a complete recovery and no longer has any pain in that shoulder. He continues to see her and give her Cortisone shots in her other shoulder and to follow her progress. He is a compassionate and highly qualified surgeon.” – Laurie

“Very competent and personable surgeon who is a shoulder specialist. He was very helpful in fixing my right shoulder after having dislocated it and torn several tendons and the rotator cuff. Very patient-centric and great at explaining the damages due to m fall. Highly recommend for shoulder problems.” – Eric

“Dr. Tom saved my wife with a second surgery after a first surgery done by another surgeon on her rotator cuff. She made a full recovery with full use of her shoulder. She has since had a very successful knee replacement from him. Same full use result. Love this surgeon! He is doing shoulder surgery for me in May. I am grateful to be under his care.” – TJ

Meet Our Team

Our team at St. Joseph Hospital Orthopedics in Nashua, New Hampshire, is looking forward to caring for you – with their top priority being to get you moving freely and living a pain free life.

Lindsay Campbell, APRN

St. Joseph Hospital Orthopedics

Albert Tom, MD, FAAOS

St. Joseph Hospital Orthopedics

St Joseph Hospital Orthopedics – Milford

Emily Smith, PA-C

St. Joseph Hospital Orthopedics
