St. Joseph Hospital Senior Resource Center

Our Mission

The mission of the St. Joseph Hospital Senior Resource Center is to provide support to patients recently diagnosed with dementia or other memory related disorders, family members of those recently diagnosed, and caregivers.

Through support groups, educational offerings, respite programs, and individual meetings, we strive to be the caring presence that is much needed during this time.

Day Away Program

The Day Away Program is a respite program for patients who are in the early to beginning stages of dementia or other memory related disorders. This program allows patients to engage in social activities, all while providing their caregivers with a well-deserved break.

Senior Resource Center Upcoming Events

The St. Joseph Hospital Senior Resource Center holds events on Fridays beginning at 10:00am. Located on 460 Amherst Street in Nashua, NH, all events are free and open to any member of the community. Light refreshments will be served. Pre-registration is required. To register for an event, please contact Michele Canto, Director of Community Ministries, at

Michele Canto, Director of Community Ministries


Having been with St. Joseph Hospital since 2001, Michele holds a Bachelor of Science in Business and Marketing from Southern New Hampshire University. She is also a Certified Administrator of Volunteer Services (CAVS) through the Association for Healthcare Volunteer Resource Professionals.

Michele oversees many programs across St. Joseph Hospital, including the St. Joseph Hospital Senior Resource Center, Volunteer Services, Project SEARCH, Grey Nuns Thrift Shop, St. Joseph Hospital Gift Shop, Perinatal Bereavement Program, and Arts in the Atrium.

T: (603) 595-3144

